Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

The positive influence is given by the development of current fashion trends, wherewith the support of sophisticated technology, will create a new color in the fashion industry. Especially now that many fashion industries use, which will provide convenience from the seller and buyer side of transactions. The strongest influence in the fashion sector is among young people, where fashion can make them more creative in their appearance and bolder in presenting themselves according to their passions. Thus, the impact given by fashion changes will have a positive influence on teenagers.

When we can freely look as we want, of course, this will raise our confidence in expression through the combination of styles that we wear. Being free in style or being able to combine various types of fashion, of course, will make teenagers creative, but that does not mean that there is no negative impact in this case. A negative impact is not because you like fashion trends but it is more about where you have to look like the style of clothing you wear, in essence, you have to be able to adjust your appearance to the conditions and where you show your style. For everyday style, usually, most young people aged 14 to 18 years, will prefer certain brands, which will tend to be excessive.

Another thing is the difference between using a streetwear outfit, which combines a shirt, with jeans as a bottom, and using sneakers. It is one of the comforts that can be felt by the wearer and maybe they have a clear purpose in wearing the latest branded clothes. Actually, in terms of fashion, we can use outfits as we want, not even having to follow fashion trends because by trying to combine the colors of our inner style suits to look good and fit, then this will make your appearance look attractive.

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