Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

How do you clean stains on the carpet without carpet cleaning sydney help? First of all, check the type of stain on the carpet. The trick is to see, smell or feel the stain. Carefully scrape or scrape off solid dirt. For example, dirt from used chewing gum can be removed by placing ice cubes on it. The ice cubes will freeze the gum, making it easier to remove it from the carpet.

Pour water over the stain on the carpet. The goal is to melt the stain. Then, dry gently with a clean cloth. If the stain is too wide, put a weight on the cloth, so that the stain is absorbed maximally into the cloth. Do not scrub or brush the stain as this will spread the stain further. Next, use a solvent to remove the remaining stains. Always use a soft solvent first before using a hard type of solvent. Press and massage the surface of the carpet starting from the ends to the middle. Do it gently so as not to damage the carpet. Rinse the stain with water, then dry

A rotary shampoo machine is a machine that stands upright and has a tank at the top. This tank holds the chemical that can be sprayed by the machine operator by pressing the button on the handle. Chemical will flow through the pipe until it exits the brush machine and the operator directs the machine in a straight line with a left to right movement. The rotary shampoo machine can be equipped with one round brush or three small rotating brushes. This machine must be used with care so that the carpet is not damaged by rubbing too hard or too rough.

Dry foam shampoo machine s suitable for cleaning surfaces that need to be dried quickly. The dry foam shampoo machine is also quiet, so it doesn’t disturb the comfort of guests and those around them. The chemical used with this machine is designed to produce abundant foam to absorb dirt on the carpet that has been loosened by the brush. Later this foam will dry into a powder that must be sucked up using a vacuum cleaner when the carpet is dry. The carpet drying time is at least two hours.

Carpet Cleaning Sydney
38 Canoon Rd, South Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
0413 194 766

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