Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

In addition to good grades and personalities, another thing that must be considered when looking for work is qualified expertise. Employment that is considered not proportional to the number of the workforce requires us to always be the best version so we can compete in the workforce. To be able to compete for sales recruiting firms, of course, there are many things that must be prepared early on. in addition to technical matters, mental preparation is also important to do at the beginning, so that our quality is ready when entering the workforce.

For those of you who are in the process of looking for work, read the following job search tips to be able to compete and get the dream job:

Understand Passion

Before preparing everything related to applying for a job, the main thing to do first is to understand your passion or career tendencies. Understanding self-expertise makes it easier for us to make the decision to choose to accept a particular job. Make sure all the jobs that enter your worklist are jobs in the field that you really like.

CV and Application Letters

CVs and application letters become important documents that you must master when looking for work. Both of these documents can be the beginning of a recruiter’s assessment of you. Make sure the information written on the CV are important points that show your skills and abilities. Also, pay attention to the use of sentences in writing a CV or job application letter. To add to the completeness of the document, make a cover letter and portfolio as added value.

Use the Job Seeker Platform

Along with the development of technology, now the process of finding work is no longer done offline but also online. Small, medium to large companies is now looking for candidates through job search platforms. You can also use social media to find information about websites that companies use in the recruitment process.

It is important for applicants to know a job search platform that is credible in the process of applying for work. A qualified work platform will connect you with many companies in various regions. Applying for work online will also show you as a generation of quality technology literacy.

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